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#1 Copper  ----------------------------------------- 3.40lb

Copper - Bare Bright --------------------------- 3.40 lb
#2 Copper ----------------------------------------- 3.20 lb
Sheet Copper ------------------------------------ 3.00 lb
#3 CU PB (Copper Sheet - Lead Coated) - 1.50 lb


Hy Grade Solids ---------------------- 2.30 lb
Hard Brass ----------------------------- 2.50 lb
Copper and Brass --------------------- 2.15 lb
Red Brass ------------------------------- 2.15 lb
Semi Red Brass ----------------------- 2.00 lb
EDM Wire ------------------------------ 2.00 lb
Yellow Brass ------------------------- --2.10 lb
Brass Shells (CLEAN) --------------- 1.80 lb
Mixed Shells --------------------------- 1.50 lb
Auto Brass Radiators - Clean -- --1.80 lb
Auto Brass Radiators - DIRTY --- 1.00 lb
Meter Brass - WHOLE METERS - 0.40 lb
FE Brass --------------------------------- 1.00 lb


304 Stainless Steel ------------------------ 0.35 lb
304 Stainless Steel - UNPREPARED - 0.25 lb
304 Stainless Steel - TURNINGS ----- 0.25 lb
316 Stainless Steel - SOLIDS ----------- 0.75 lb


ACR - Alum Copper Radiator ---------------- 1.60 lb
Heater Core ---------------------------------------- 1.20 lb
ACR FE - Alum Copper Radiator DIRTY --- 1.30 lb
ACR Ends - Alum Copper Radiator Ends - 0.50 lb
Al Radiators - Clean ----------------------------- 0.50 lb
AL Cast ---------------------------------------------- 0.45 lb
Ballast ----------------------------------------------- 0.17 lb
6063 Bare ------------------------------------------ 0.70 lb
10/10 Extrusions -------------------------------- 0.65 lb
356 Clean Aluminum Wheels ------------- 0.65 lb
356 DIRTY Aluminum Wheels ------------ 0.57 lb
356 Chrome Aluminum Wheels --------- 0.40 lb
6061 Truck Wheels --------------------------- 0.50 lb
Alum MLC - PAINTED ------------------------ 0.63 lb
Pop Tabs ------------------------------------------ 0.57 lb
Alum Siding ------------------------------------- 0.65 lb
Alum Sheet -------------------------------------- 0.65 lb
Irony Aluminum -----------------~~~~~~~~- 0.15 lb
UBC (Cans) --------------------------------------- 0.60 lb


Auto Cast --------------------------------------- 14.50 per 100 lb
Plate and Structural ------------------------ 12.00 per 100 lb
Plate and Structural - UNPREPARED - 10.50 per 100 lb
Pressing ----------------------------------------- 10.25 per 100 lb
Shredder Tin ----------------------------------- 10.00 per 100 lb
Heavy Melt -------------------------------------- 10.50 per 100 lb
Heavy Melt - UNPREPARED -------------- 9.50 per 100 lb
Machine Shop Turnings --------------------- 3.00 per 100 lb


AL - Alternators ---------------------------------- 0.40 lb
STARTERS - AL Nose --------------------------- 0.30 lb
STARTERS - Steel Nose ------------------------ 0.28 lb
Transformers - SMALL -------------------------- 0.18 lb
Transformers - BIG ------------------------------ 0.30 lb
Computers - MISC -------------------------------- 0.15 lb
Lead - SOFT ----------------------------------------- 0.40 lb
Lead Wheel Weights - NO LOOSE STEEL - 0.10 lb
Zinc Die Cast ---------------------------------------- 0.10 lb
Zinc Die Cast - IRONY --------------------------- 0.15 lb
Zinc SOLIDS ---------------------------------------- 0.25 lb
EC ACR ----------------------------------------------- 0.25 lb
Sealed Units ---------------------------------------- 0.17 lb
Electric Motors ------------------------------------ 0.20 lb
Batteries - INDUSTRIAL STEEL CASE ----- 0.08 lb
Batteries - INDUSTRIAL ----------------------- 0.08 lb
Batteries - CAR ------------------------------------- 0.15 lb


AL Insulation Wire ------------------------------- 0.20 lb
BX Copper/Steel #1 35% ----------------------- 0.20 lb
BX Aluminum 47% ------------------------------- 0.35 lb
BX Aluminum 64% ------------------------------- 1.25 lb
Christmas Lights ---------------------------------- 0.30 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #2 35% --------------- 0.50 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #2 37% --------------- 0.52 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #2 40% -------------- 0.60 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #2 50% & 53% ---- 0.70 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #2 70% ---------------- 1.60 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #2 80% ---------------- 1.81 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #2 90% --------------- 2.00 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #1 50% ---------------- 0.95 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #1 53% - Open Eye - 1.00 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #1 60% ------------------ 1.05 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #1 80% ------------------ 1.96 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #1 85% ------------------- 1.85 lb
Insulated Copper Wire #1 90% -------------------- 2.16 lb 

Prices are subject to change at any time